Beautiful Feet? Redefining Best Practices for Carriers of Good News

What does faithful obedience look like in the midst of heavy critiques around cross-cultural ministry? This webinar will invite the challenging questions attached to decolonized theology and spiritual formation. Lauren Pinkston will discuss unhealthy measurables for assessing fruit on the field, and provide hope for those navigating new identities during a season of repatriation. 

After we have seen faith shared through harmful practices of paternalism and watched relationships crumble under the absence of spiritual disciplines, what does it mean to still attach oneself to the hope of Good News? Join us to hear compelling stories and learn helpful prompts to ensure our message and our presence in the lives of others truly is beautiful to behold.

Dr. Lauren Pinkston is the president of Kindred Exchange, an organization that exists to help others do missions ethically and sustainably across cultures. She is also an Assistant Professor of Business as Mission at Lipscomb University. From 2014-2019, she lived in Southeast Asia combining community development philosophies with organic business models to bootstrap effective economic change for families needing safe work. While completing her doctoral dissertation with Clemson University, she discovered business to be a catalyst for community development, especially for survivors of exploitative labor.

Lauren enjoys traveling with her family, cooking, and writing about the convergence of faith, culture and justice. She is actively involved with civic responsibilities in her town of Columbia, Tennessee, and is an advocate for ethical supply chains and employment practices.

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