Navigating Life in Transition


Living a life in transition causes stress and anxiety which can leave our souls tired, disconnected from God and each other. Let’s journey together as we navigate the specific stresses of living a life in transition.





Shonna Ingram is the founder and director of the Renewed Hope Approach, a program that provides a practical approach to Post Trauma Care. She’s been in ministry for over 20 years and spent 5 years in Africa as a cross-cultural worker. Shonna is a Board Certified Master Trauma-Informed Mental Health Coach specializing in career, grief, self-development, and spiritual formation, and she has trained hundreds of people in over 30 countries to integrate mental health into a biblical framework. Her heart for people in the re-entry season led her to create her second series, Your Re-Entry Path, as a way for them to figure out their next season, whether inside or outside of vocational ministry. She is happy to introduce her new program called Navigating Life in Transition. She is mom to 4 amazing adults.

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