Do you feel a weight of expectation when it comes to advent? As a mom, or teammate, or teacher, or leader, do you feel like it’s on you to create something of significance for advent for others in your life? Do you think, “Advent is special! Ok great, now I’ve got to figure out how to make it special.” Anyone?   

Maybe you feel a weight of expectation for yourself too. You want to walk intentionally with God in the advent season, but what does that mean? And how in the world do you find the time and energy to do that?

Friends, this is why we’ve created an Advent Mini-Retreat just for you. It’s Velvet Ashes’ Christmas gift to you! Registration is no cost. Just show up, as you are, for an hour and a half of sacred space to soak in the significance of advent. 

Experience this time alone or gather your people to do this with you. Grab a journal, a candle if you have one, and your favorite drink. Come in your comfiest clothes, because you won’t be on camera. 

It’s our community’s Christmas tradition, and we’d love to have you join us! In this advent season, come release the weight of expectations and simply be with the One who is our comfort and joy. 

Join Danielle Wheeler as she leads you through the Advent Mini-Retreat on Saturday, December 9th, from 9:00-10:30 am US Eastern/14:00-15:30 UTC. If you can’t join live, a recording will be made available for you.

Not Enrolled

Experience Includes

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